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Brand Resources

        To meet the company's internationalization process, ESORK on brand upgrade.

        Chinese English LOGO uniform color, shape a more beautiful, more standardized, more international, more uniform overall image.


Sign extend business concept:


        The whole body shape a more stable and harmonious, embody the " focused, struggle, innovation, technology and security " of the core philosophy.Balanced and powerful strokes reveal a strong research and development strength and excellent product quality, the company with innovation and technology and professional experience, dedicated to everyone relaxed enjoy safe quality of life, to help build a harmonious society, and actively fulfill the social responsibility of the enterprise, determined to become a respected professional security company.


        Identification using a close character gap between enterprise and customer, embodiment, enterprise more condensed and harmonious relationship. Meaning to "customer success " - oriented business philosophy, the company improve operational efficiency, through a global network of marketing services, and better for customers to provide fast, high quality service.


        Exquisite vivid streamline body characterization, more energetic, dynamic, manifests the enterprise sustainable innovation enterprise spirit, world without end.


        Lively form combined dynamic science and technology, shows ESORK studying science, hard work, positive and progressive corporate culture.


Graphic text LOGO



Standard color


Technology blue: R0 G122 B195


The ESORK brand is the specification of the whole, use are not allowed to change its shape, structure and scale. 


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